——盖叫天 今天报了这么一个错 数据库连接不上了,重连也失败,超时 解决办法: 加上hikari配置 spring: # 数据源配置 datasource: hikari: connection-test-query: SELECT 1 FROM DUAL connection-timeout: 600000 maximum-pool-size: 500 阿超 2022/08/17 4.1K0 SpringBoot 配置多数据源 spring数据库sql 项目...
JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = DataSourceUtil.getJdbcTemplate(dataSource); ``` 通过JdbcTemplate,我们可以执行各种数据库操作,例如查询、插入、更新和删除等。例如,我们可以使用queryForObject方法来查询数据库中的一条记录,代码如下: ```java String sql = "SELECT * FROM user WHERE id = ?"; User user = ...
Source File: CommUtils.java From tools-ocr with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 6 votes private static String postMultiData(String url, byte[] data, String boundary, String cookie, String referer) { try { HttpRequest request = HttpUtil.createPost(url).timeout(15000); request....
*/privatestaticvoidtestSqlServer(){DataSource ds=DSFactory.get("sqlserver");Connection conn=null;try{conn=ds.getConnection();List<Entity>entityList=SqlExecutor.query(conn,"select * from t_user",newEntityListHandler());for(Entity entity:entityList){System.out.println(entity.get("username"));}}...
{ DataSource ds = DSFactory.get("sqlserver"); Connection conn = null; try { conn = ds.getConnection(); ListentityList = SqlExecutor.query(conn, "select * from t_user", new EntityListHandler()); for (Entity entity : entityList) { System.out.println(entity.get("username")); } } ...
staticDbuse(DataSourceds,Dialectdialect) 创建Db staticDbuse(DataSourceds,StringdriverClassName) 创建Db staticDbuse(Stringgroup) 创建Db 使用默认数据源,自动探测数据库连接池 Methods inherited from class cn.hutool.db.AbstractDb checkTransactionSupported,count,count,del,del,execute,executeBatch,executeBatch,ex...
DataSource ds = DSFactory.get("sqlserver"); Connection conn = null; try { conn = ds.getConnection(); List<Entity> entityList = SqlExecutor.query(conn, "select * from t_user", new EntityListHandler()); for (Entity entity : entityList) { ...
data-stellar-background-ratio="0.5"> Hutool v5.8.32 A set of tools that keep Java sweet.
Methods inherited from class cn.hutool.db.ds.simple.AbstractDataSource getLoginTimeout, getLogWriter, getParentLogger, isWrapperFor, setLoginTimeout, setLogWriter, unwrap Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wai...
{ getAllClasses } from "../api/classes/index"; const query = reactive({ pageIndex: 1, pageSize: 5, }); const tableData = ref([]); const pageTotal = ref(0); let student = reactive({ id: "", name: "", classId: "", sex: "", birthday: "", college: "", classes: { ...