大小写变形:Hustle and bustle 实用场景例句 全部 This place is very quiet, quite different from thehustle and bustleof the cities. 这个地方很安静, 与城市的拥挤喧嚣十分不同. 《现代汉英综合大词典》 If a poet is divorced from thehustle and bustleof life, he can't write inspiring poetry. ...
第一条:commotion and confusion 说明/解释:这两个词都表达了混乱和喧闹的意思,与“hustle and bustle”相似,用来描述繁忙或嘈杂的场景。 第二条:busy and lively atmosphere 说明/解释:这个短语描述了一种繁忙而充满活力的氛围,与“hustle and bustle”所传达的忙碌和热...
“hustle and bustle”在英语中是一个用来描述繁忙、喧嚣场景或生活状态的形容词短语,其基本含义是“熙熙攘攘,繁忙喧闹”。以下是对“hustle and bustle”用法的详细阐述: 一、基本用法 “hustle and bustle”常用来捕捉快节奏、充满活力的氛围,可以生动地描绘出人们忙碌、热闹的场景...
答案:Hustle and bustle通常用于描述繁忙、喧嚣的场景或生活状态。用法解释及例句:1. 用作形容词,描述繁忙的活动或喧嚣的场景。例句:The city center was filled with the hustle and bustle of people hurrying to work. 市中心充满了人们匆忙上班的繁忙和喧嚣。2. 用于描述生活节奏快、忙碌的生活...
bustle / ˈbʌs(ə)l /,名词,表示喧闹,繁忙 hustle and bustle 的英英释义是:noise and activity 表示熙熙攘攘,喧嚣忙碌。 例句: I love the hustle and bustle of the morning market. 我喜欢早市的熙熙攘攘。 The calm countryside offers an escape from the hustle and bustle. 宁静的乡...
hustle and bustle 熙熙攘攘 喧闹/忙忙碌碌的/拥挤不堪 解释 A large amount of activity and work, usually in a noisy surrounding 大量的活动和工作,通常在嘈杂的环境中。 例句 I lovethe hustle and bustleof the marketplace. 我喜欢市场上的熙熙攘攘。
读音:美英 hustle and bustle基本解释 n.熙熙攘攘 分词解释 hustle& vi. 催促 bustle喧闹 hustle and bustle是什么意思 hustle and bustle怎么读 hustle and bustle在线翻译 hustle and bustle中文意思 hustle and bustle的解释 hustle and bustle的发音 hustle and bustle意思是什么 hustle and bustle怎么翻译 hustle...
好工具>单词大全>hustle and bustle> 单词大全 英语单词分类 轻松记单词 更新时间:2024-09-19 20:49:05 熙熙攘攘,忙碌 临近词 hustle