Just have upgraded from v4.3.8 to v5.0.9 and got the error have tried to uninstall/install husky, remove npde_modules - nothing helped > git -c user.useConfigOnly=true commit --quiet --allow-empty-message --file - error Command "husky-run" not found. 👍 86 😕 7 🚀 5 ...
yarn in v1.6.0 husky installed information: "husky": "^0.14.3" config in .huskyrc { "hooks": { "pre-commit": "npm run lint" } } I got the below error message: Can't find Husky, skipping pre-commit hook You can reinstall it using 'npm ins...
如果没有下面配置的overrides/customSyntax,less文件中会有看不懂的报错:Unknown word (CssSyntaxError)Stylelint(CssSyntaxError) // .stylelintrc.jsmodule.exports={extends:["stylelint-config-standard",],overrides:[{files:["**/*.less"],customSyntax:"postcss-less"}]}...
At this point, we have a git hook configured, but it can still be a frustrating experience for teammates who may not have automatic formatting configured in their editors. If the code fails, as it did in this case, they’d have to manually fix the code, find the script that would fix...
functioninstall(dir='.husky'){if(process.env.HUSKY==='0'){l('HUSKY env variable is set to 0, skipping install');return;}if(git(['rev-parse']).status!==0){l(`git command not found, skipping install`);return;}consturl='https://typicode.github.io/husky/#/?id=custom-directory';...
$ npm install --prod > foobar@1.0.0 prepare > husky install sh: line 1: husky: command not found npm ERR! code 127 npm ERR! path /home/ext/foobar npm ERR! command failed npm ERR! command sh -c husky install npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: npm ERR! /ho...
my husky.config.js module.exports = { hooks: { 'pre-commit': lint-staged && npm run test:changed']) } }; 👍 1 krisgerhard commented Feb 14, 2021 Could be related to #869. Try the fix provided in this issue. galilmori commented Feb 15, 2021 I have the same issue since ...
I checked mine and saw that mylint-stagesconfig "lint-staged": { "**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}": [ "npm run lint" ] } was not directly in the root of the package.json Just create a file called .lintstagedrc and put this: { "*.{js,jsx}": ["npm run lint:js"] } ...
When installing item by item, some version conflicts may be found, and I think the reason should be that the default version has too strict version requirements. Hello, I think the key is that you did not restrict the version while you installed the dependencies by each, which means it ...
Hi @RigottiG, could you try https://typicode.github.io/husky/#/?id=command-not-found Is there any way I can solve this within the project folder ? we have a large group of developers (and it's growing), I cannot tell everyone to create a husky config file on their computer to ...