My Husband Is Having a Reverse Midlife CrisisByline: by Shona SibaryDaily Mail (London)
I was excited when I was offered a 'Mom's Talk' column where I wrote about toys, breastfeeding, and my ongoing(追求)for 'baby-free' time." (当我的前辈们在应付孩子学业教育方面压力时,我在专注于把我的创造力用在我的新身份上。当我被提供一个"Mom's Talk"专栏时很兴奋,可以在这里写...
2. As is known to all, China remains a developing country in many ways, rapid economic development.3. As is the case with many men, he seems to be having a midlife crisis.4. As is announced in the newspaper, the conference will be held next month.5. He is a foreigner, as is evi...
My husband jokes with me that my midlife crisis was having my now 11-year-old daughter in my 40s.I started my career as Associate Editor atWoman's Worldmagazine in the late 1990s. Then I was a magazine editor-in-chief for five national consumer publications and also contributed to magazine...
Having It All It's the perfect drug for a midlife crisis: Lose weight, get a tan, and boost your sex life, all in one pill. In phase I and II trials, 310 men taking PT141--a metabolite of a drug developed to protect patients against ultraviolet-light ......
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选难度:0.65引用次数:535题号:12420431 My husband jokes with me that my midlife crisis was having my now 11-year-old daughter in my 40s. I started my career as Associate Editor atWoman’s Worldmagazine in the late 1990s. Then I was a magazine editor-in-chief for five...
3. As is the case with many men, he seems to be having a midlife crisis.4. As is announced in the newspaper, the conference will be held next month.5. He is a foreigner, as is evident (=clear) from his accent.6. The boy is interested in the game, as can be seen from the ...
Turns out he’s been having a “close, personal friendship” with a co-worker half my age for the last two years at least. Why the hell didn’t I notice? He’s been cold towards since he lost his job but I put it down to stress and depression. Apparently, it was love, not ...
A good rule of thumb is that the further away your wife has drifted from the marriage, the more likely she is to commit spousal mischief during the divorce. A wife who’s having an affair or high-level midlife crisis is much more likely to lie, cheat and steal than a wife who is si...
And yet, I now see it was a textbook case of a man having a midlife crisis. He was 50 when he met his girlfriend seven years ago and I think he's been consumed by guilt ever since. But I have no wish to be vindictive about her. Why should I be ungracious? Not saying any...