Of course, looking back on it now, it’s not the nightmare fuel of my childhood and didn’t scare my kids at all. You can see the influence it had on Stranger Things (and that’s good) and can play “Who directed this scene? Spielberg or Hooper?” The first film to terrify me, ...
The Ramblings of Rob Prince, a follower of Jesus, husband, dad, grandpa, lead pastor at Flint Central Church of the Nazarene and author of "Chronic Pain: Finding Hope in the Midst of Suffering" and "Got Cancer? There's Help"AboutChristmas Eve Eve (aka…the Night before the Preacher’s...
I eventually got home to find Scifi hubby in his new Batman costume (see below) desperate to be allowed to go down the cellar and play his new game. He says he doesn’t need sleep and doesn’t want disturbing unless the house is burning down. Not even for food. I just hope the g...