neoplasmthyroid cancerA clinicopathological analysis and long-term follow up of 32 patients with Hurthle cell neoplasm (HCN) was undertaken to contrast the clinical and histological features between benign versus malignant HCN of thyroid and to examine the effect of treatment on the outcome. This is...
Background: Hurthle cell carcinoma (HCC) is a rare type of aggressive follicular carcinoma comprising a small percentage of all thyroid cancers. It is associated with high metastasis and mortality rates with 20-30% of this type of cancer having metastatic extension at the time of treatment. HCC...
摘要: Technetium-99m-sestamibi has been reported to localize in various tumors. Scintigraphic results for a patient with recurrent Hurthle cell carcinoma of the thyroid whose tumor was imaged with both 99mTc-sestamibi and 201TI, but not with 131I, are presented....
cellneoplasmthyroidcancerBackground: A clinicopathological analysis and long-term follow up of 32 patients with Hurthle cell neoplasm (HCN) was undertaken to contrast the clinical and histological features between benign versus malignant HCN of thyroid and to examine the effect of treatment on the...
cellneoplasmthyroidcancerBackground:? A clinicopathological analysis and long‐term follow up of 32 patients with Hurthle cell neoplasm (HCN) was undertaken to contrast the clinical and histological features between benign versus malignant HCN of thyroid and to examine the effect of treatment on the ...
hurthle cell carcinomathyroidectomyTUMORNEOPLASMSIntroduction and importance: Oncocytic/Hurthle cell neoplasm is a rare form of thyroid malignancies, derived from follicular epithelium, presenting with a wide variety having either presenting with features of thyrotoxicosis or no any associated symptoms. Case ...
We describe a 12-year-old peripubertal girl who presented with a large right-sided thyroid nodule that was subsequently diagnosed as a Hurthle cell adenoma. To our knowledge, she represents the youngest patient with a Hurthle cell neoplasm....
A RARE CASE OF HURTHLE CELL NEOPLASM WITH MALIGNANT PLEURAL EFFUSION...Dr Kshiroda Chandra SahooDr Pravati DuttaDr Rekha ManjhiDr Sudarshan Pothal
A preoperative diagnosis of Hurthle cell neoplasm was made based on fine needle aspiration cytology findings. The total thyroidectomy specimen revealed Hashimoto's thyroiditis with synchronous papillary carcinoma and Hurthle cell carcinoma, which is a very rare occurrence.Navya...
Thyroid sarcoidosis manifesting as Hurthle cell NeoplasmSuzan Saber