Parts Of A Hurricane The main elements of a hurricane are the rain bands on its outer edges, the eye, and the eye wall. Air spirals in toward the center in a counter-clockwise pattern, and then moves out the top in the opposite direction. In the very center of the storm, air sinks,...
The main physical features of a hurricane are its rainbands, eye and eyewall. These features take shape as surface air from all directions spirals in toward the center of the storm in a counter-clockwise pattern (or clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere). Because this converging air has nowhere...
The wind makes the clouds spin into a large counter-clockwise pattern. As the wind speeds pick up, it makes the clouds spin faster and making it more dangerous. 106 Words 1 Pages Satisfactory Essays Read More Effects Of A Hurricane Have you ever thought to yourself, “ What causes a ...
flow outward above the storm allowing the air below to rise. Hurricanes typically form between 5 to 15 degrees latitude north and south of the equator. The Coriolis Force is needed to create the spin in the hurricane and it becomes too weak near the equator, so hurricanes can never form ...