With a storm approaching, it is time to reach out to your renters to remind them of certain hurricane preparedness measures. While you might be an expert on how to deal with hurricanes, or any other natural disaster common in the area, your tenants might not have the same experience. Addit...
NOAA: Develop your Hurricane Plan Now:https://www.weather.gov/safety/hurricane-plan Red Cross Hurricane Preparedness Kit:https://www.redcross.org/content/dam/redcross/get-help/pdfs/hurricane/EN_Hurricane-Safety-Checklist.pdf Sea Level Rise Projection Map (Interactive):https://coast.noaa.gov/slr...
Post-Storm Checklist Gather insurance policies and related insurance records. If your policy was destroyed or is lost, contact your insurance company or agent/broker to request a copy. Contact other business partners who may have copies of your insurance policies and records, such as attorneys and...
How to Craft and Facilitate a Hurricane Preparedness ChecklistGary Van Der Laan
While these storms possess different labels in various parts of the world, they all have one thing in common, they're dangerous and often deadly.