With winds reaching as high as 120 miles per hour, the Category 3 storm devastated New Orleans and coastal Louisiana—and its effects are still felt today.
Impacts: Morbidity and Mortality from Interruptions to Medication and Oxygen Supplies. Two respondents mentioned cases in their communities where lapses in access to medications for the management of mental health disorders contributed to declining wellness and even disappearance of patients. Many people di...
•Peopletookfewpossessions;these includedbirthrecords •Recognitionofneedtodocumentidentity andlegalstatus •Newawarenessofimportanceofbasic legaldocumentslongtakenforgranted OffersofAssistance •RightafterKatrinahitinlateAugust,NCHS offeredtechnicalassistancetoLAandMS ...
Impacts: Morbidity and Mortality from Interruptions to Medication and Oxygen Supplies. Two respondents mentioned cases in their communities where lapses in access to medications for the management of mental health disorders contributed to declining wellness and even disappearance of patients. Many people di...
Hurricane Katrina: Physical and mental health impacts on Orleans ParishKelley, MPerman, JShoaf, KI
K. (2007). Social impacts of Hurricane Katrina on displaced K-12 students and the educational institutional in coastal Alabama counties: Some preliminary observations. Sociological Spectrum, 27, 767-780.Picou JS, Marshall BK (2007) Social impacts of Hurricane Katrina on displaced K-12 students ...
In some respects, Hurricane Katrina was the equivalent of a weapons of mass destruction (WMD) attack on the Gulf Coast. The hurricane caused catastrophic damage over an area roughly the size of Great Britain. However, while it is tempting to view a storm such as Katrina as a once-in-a-...
Shawn's expressing his view of the discussion of the daily death rates on the death toll. I think CosmoNut's point about accounting for the daily death rate is an very interesting one that helps us understand how this event impacts the people. We all have different views, but, unlike ...
A mandatory evacuation order is in effect in Galveston, Texas, which could see impacts from the storm as families are racing to leave the island city along the Gulf Coast. 4 years ago Hurricane Laura on collision course with Gulf Coast Over 500,000 people were told to evacuate ahead of wha...
Because so many people sought damages for loss of property after Katrina, the federal courts consolidated the cases. Below is an excerpt from the appeal of a District Court ruling that disallowed the discretionary function exception for some of the claims. The excerpt focuses on a group of peopl...