What food did the Sioux tribe eat? What did the Assiniboine tribe eat? What is the Blackfoot tribe known for? Explain. What tribe lived in Mississippi and Louisiana? What did the Iroquois farm? What did the Iroquois live in? What is the history of the Cree tribe? What did the Blackfoo...
1. a member of an American Indian tribe formed from dispersed elements of the Hurons and closely related peoples in the mid-17th century. 2. the extinct Iroquoian language of the Wyandots, descended in part from Huron. Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictio...
The Iroquois Confederacy was an alliance of Native American tribes. Learn the history of the Iroquois, the names of the tribes that comprise the alliance, and the historical figures that helped bring peace and unity in the form of a confederation. ...
1.a member of a confederacy of American Indian tribes formerly living E of Lake Huron: widely dispersed after 1649 as a result of Iroquois attacks. 2.the extinct Iroquoian language of the Huron. 3.Lake,a lake between the U.S. and Canada: second largest of the Great Lakes. 23,010 sq....
Huron [hyoor-uhn,-onor, often,yoor-] Phonetic (Standard)IPA noun a member of an Indian tribe, the northwestern member of the Iroquoian family, living west of Lake Huron. an Iroquoian language, the language of the Huron Indians. Lake,a lake between the U.S. and Canada: second largest...
Algonquian Tribe History, Facts & Culture from Chapter 2 / Lesson 16 60K Learn about the Algonquian tribe and the various peoples that comprise it. Discover the Algonquian culture and their place in the history of early North America. Related...
Learn more about this topic: Iroquois League Definition, History & Member Groups from Chapter 15 / Lesson 11 19K Read the Iroquois League definition. Learn about the Iroquois League member tribes and Grand Council and discover the reasons the Iroquois League was formed. ...
History The Age of Exploration What were some myths and legends of the Huron tribe?Question:What were some myths and legends of the Huron tribe?Huron Tribe:The Huron tribe is a group of people whose origin is traced from the Iriqouian Indian Family. Samuel de Champlain's exploration of ...
Article History Huron,Iroquoian-speakingNorth American Indians who were living along theSt. Lawrence Riverwhen contacted by French explorerJacques Cartierin 1534. Longhouse interiorReconstructed Wendat longhouse interior, at the Huron/Ouendat Village, Ontario, Canada. ...
Add new Web site: Native Indian Tribes - Huron Tribe. Gloria Lotha Feb 21, 2019 Add new Web site: Michigan State University - Department of Geography - Huron Indians. Grace Young Apr 17, 2017 Add new Web site: Ohio History Central - Wyandot Indians. ...