大洛杉矶地区 又称南加州,指的是美国加利福尼亚州南部的一个横跨5个县的大型联合统计区:洛杉矶县(Los Angeles)、橙县(Orange)、圣伯纳迪诺县(SanBernardino)、河滨县(Riverside)以及文图拉县(Ventura)。 华人喜爱的置业点在圣盖博谷的东区、西区以及橙县,前两者属于洛杉矶县,后者也被称为橘子郡(Orange county)。
大洛杉矶地区 又称南加州,指的是美国加利福尼亚州南部的一个横跨5个县的大型联合统计区:洛杉矶县(Los Angeles)、橙县(Orange)、圣伯纳迪诺县(SanBernardino)、河滨县(Riverside)以及文图拉县(Ventura)。 华人喜爱的置业点在圣盖博谷的东区、西区以及橙县,前两者属于洛杉矶县,后者也被称为橘子郡(Orange county)。
位于长滩(Long Beach)以南的亨廷顿海滩是美西最著名的冲浪之都。还没正式踏上沙滩,门口的巨型“冲浪者”雕塑就足以令人心潮澎湃。海滩上帅哥美女遍布,提醒着游人这片海滩的热辣与激情。这里的浪高可达5、6米,对于冲浪者来说,是绝佳的冲浪天堂。喜欢大海及各种沙滩运动的游客一定不要错过这片蔚蓝的海滩。这里还是一...
Located in Southern California between Los Angeles and San Diego, with three airports near Huntington Beach. Surf City USA's 10 miles/16 kilometers of wide open sandy beaches make it a paradise for families, couples, dogs, and surfers. Huntington Beach weather offers plenty of relaxation, out...
Current local time in USA – California – Huntington Beach. Get Huntington Beach's weather and area codes, time zone and DST. Explore Huntington Beach's sunrise and sunset, moonrise and moonset.
is located alongside the Pacific Ocean, just 35 miles south of Los Angeles in Orange County. The city of Huntington Beach has a population of approximately 200,000 and is often ranked among the Top Ten Safest Cities by the City Crime Rankings. Known around the world as “Surf City,” Hunt...
The city has evolved from a sleepy beach town into afinaldestination — rather than a stopover between the major metropolises of Los Angeles and San Diego — all while retaining its sweet, laid-back charm. Just like in California, Kimpton welcomes all of the animals. (Photo Credit: @travelpo...
Huntington Beach is located in Orange County, about 35 miles south of Los Angeles, making this seaside town known for its beaches, surf, and mild climate. It is the perfect spot to vacation for those looking for a central location to stay and play while exploring the coast and other nearby...
美国“Huntington Beach”相关的邮编信息 邮编(ZIP Code)城市名称所在州(State)县(County)所在时区邮编类型预估人口地图 92605Huntington Beach 可接收:Huntingtn BchCA- CaliforniaOrangeAmerica/Los_AngelesPO BOX480查看地图 92615Huntington Beach 可接收:Huntingtn BchCA- CaliforniaOrangeAmerica/Los_AngelesPO BOX703查看...
大洛杉矶地区 又称南加州,指的是美国加利福尼亚州南部的一个横跨5个县的大型联合统计区:洛杉矶县(Los Angeles)、橙县(Orange)、圣伯纳迪诺县(SanBernardino)、河滨县(Riverside)以及文图拉县(Ventura)。 华人喜爱的置业点在圣盖博谷的东区、西区以及橙县,前两者属于洛杉矶县,后者也被称为橘子郡(Orange county)。