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Bądź łowcą lub ofiarą w tej asymetrycznej strzelance wieloosobowej, w której człowiek mierzy się z Predatorem. Jako członek grupy komandosów Fireteam musisz ukończyć wszystkie misje, zanim dopadnie Cię Predator. Możesz
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Habour seal (Phoca vitulina) hides stretched out and soaked in the tidal water zone, Måsvær, North Norway, in 1972. Harbour seal hides vary considerably in colour and pattern. Traditional hide processing documented by H. D. Bratrein, UiT – The Arctic University of Norway. Dried ...
Campbell, Lauren G., J. Cameron Thrash, Nancy N. Rabalais, and Olivia U. Mason. 2019.Extent of the annual Gulf of Mexico hypoxic zone influences microbial community structure.PLoS ONE14(4): e0209055. Bakshi, Arundhati, Austen T. Webber, Lorelei E. Patrick, E. William Wischusen, and Ca...
Behavioural traits and use of the pelagic zone The response variables analyzed were horizontal area use (dH-KUD), vertical space use (dV-KS), daily mean depth (hypothesis i); horizontal activity, vertical activity (hypothesis ii); and time spent in open water (TOW, hypothesis iii); all of...
Defining the distinctive capacities of Homo sapiens relative to other hominins is a major focus for human evolutionary studies. It has been argued that the procurement of small, difficult-to-catch, agile prey is a hallmark of complex behavior unique to o
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[8,9]. Similar to that in mice, a neural pathway from the pretectal area to the lateral hypothalamic zone in zebrafish also participates in the conversion of visual food detection into feeding motivation [134]. The other is how PAG orchestrates complex inputs to guide behaviors for survival....
“distance from hearths” map (Fig.5c). ANOVA was then performed to examine the fitted effect of the covariate in the SPPs, followed by the use of the ρ function (“rhohat” in “spatstat”) to examine the influence of the distance to the hearths from any other type of remain at ...