Williams grew up on a farm in South Dakota. At an age when most boys are collecting baseball cards, Williams was hunting pheasants with an Ithaca 20-gauge shotgun. Hunting served as a bonding experience between him and his father and ...
When you'rehunting small game, you need to match your weapon to your prey. Most rabbit hunters go for a 20-gauge shotgun with an improved cylinder choke. Any larger, and you won't take down your quarry, you'll obliterate it. Another popular choice for rabbits is a .22 rifle, great ...
A modern handgun may be carried for personal protection. Modern handguns cannot be used to hunt big game except as described above. Shotguns: Deer, bear, and cougar may be hunted with 20 gauge or larger shotgun shooting slugs or size #1 or larger (0.30 inches diameter or larger) buckshot...
Walk Soffly With Me I was a hunting guide 20 years ago-working six years in the Selway Wilderness and two in Alaska. Letters "Always bring a 12 gauge for shooting rooster pheasants," I heard a hunting guide tell one of his clients. Building a better ringneck hunter: five things you ca...
you can easily hunt quail or doves with a 20 or 28 gauge,ruffed grouseand woodcock with a 12, 16, or 20 gauge, and pheasants or waterfowl with a 12 gauge. This is where you can really go over budget fast. Most high-end over-under shotguns cost upwards of 5 times what a simple (...
Book the perfect Argentina Big Game Hunting Experience with South American Adventure Safari. We are Argentina's premier Hunting Outfitter and the only outfitter in Argentina endorsed by Craig Boddington Outfitters.
A 12- or 20-gauge shotgun loaded with 6- to 71/2-size shot is recommended. It is illegal to remove a rabbit from a hole, den, or tree hollow with the aid of a ferret or other small animal or other means. Hunter orange clothing requirements must be met while hunting rabbits (...
Our expert tested every hunting backpack here. These are the eight he recommends for all types of hunters and hunting scenarios.
Things can happen fast on a predator hunt. I rarely head afield without taking a shotgun along. © Michael Pendley photo Get a 12 While some predator hunters like to go big with a 10-gauge, the 12-gauge still rules. Smaller gauges struggle to keep larger shot for predators on target...
It is not legal to hunt big game with buckshot in many places, probably due to the fact that so many hunters wound and lose deer by shooting them with buckshot at too long of a range. If this is the case where you hunt, the choice is simple: use a slug. For the majority of ...