It is time to do a “snow dance”. Seriously, it means that we need to find hunting locations more to the far southern part of the Illinois or near the Ohio River. Private hunting clubs take up many of these areas but there are public hunting areas available. Because we are hunting la...
The hunting clubs are predominantly deer-hunting clubs. Only a small percentage of their members hunt turkeys, and most do not kill their annual bag limit of two gobblers, so turkeys in the GCP receive relatively light pressure. That contributes to fairly high carryover of gobblers from one ...
near the Wildcat Trail. Following an old logging trail, I had just ascended a steep part of Beartown Mountain and heard a shot off in the distance which sounded like it came from a swamp below me. I stopped moving for a while
Throughout history the best mentors were family members, but as fewer and fewer people hunt, you may find yourself without a family member to turn to. In this case, you should contact local fish and game clubs in your area. They will be more than willing to help you find someone that...
1952 when only air guns were permitted in the Western part of the City. In 1958, small bore sporting rifles could be sold to members of Rod and Gun Clubs. These rifles were required to be kept under lock and key at the club premises. Wilhelm Steigleder finally closed the business in ...