Hunter x Hunter Review pronounced Hunter Hunter (no X).This Anime is so great on many levels. It has a little bit of everything but it never loses sight of what it's trying to say. Male themes are abound and many facets are explored especially the complex relationships between males. Fr...
第一卷尽可能预想所有残酷的可能性,因为现实永远让你无法预警,又吝啬于给人慈悲。第二卷酷拉皮卡,他当猎人的目的在亲手逮捕与之有灭族之恨的【幻影旅团】。 每一个猎人,必须要身怀绝技。我想知道的是你们有没有向未知的食物挑战的勇气。 当我们急踩刹车的时候,他们反而猛踏油门。 当人被迫于两种有着显著不同...
There are many others Shounen anime in this industry and despite this competition of what's best, hunter x hunter holds the definition to be ranked first. This review doesn't theorize as a simply fan-boy expressions but discovering of what's really great. The genre of this anime are ...
富坚,u sucker hunter x hunter,高中的时候曾经义不容辞地排在各大日本排行榜的NO.1。一部看过就欲罢不能的热血漫画,暴力,友情,亲情,成长,热血,BIT 爱情。充斥ING。个人认为比富坚当年风靡祖国的《幽游白书》有过之而无不及。可惜富坚的懒人作风,轻率漫无让漫迷们伤透了心。听说后面还有一部分是武内直子作...
随着hunter x hunter 片头字幕的出现,两位开朗的主角冈&奇牙出场,画面一改前面冷灰的色调,整体明亮鲜艳。(但是在冈捡起被奇牙弄飞的气球还给小女孩的时候,侧面单膝跪地的刚与小女孩的比例与背景有点不符合透视,感觉背景人物与背景起码是一个大广角,然而刚离镜头也是有点距离,而且占屏较大,却看起来像标镜以上透视...
The phantom troupe arc was the highest point of the series imo from which it never truly recovers. Hey, atleast the chairman election arc ends the series in a decent note. 52 out of 99 found this helpful. Was this review helpful? Sign in to vote. Permalink ...
are the tests, which prove to be as varied as they are difficult. The picky proctors of the second exam demand the applicants perform culinary feats of wonder, and it takes the intervention of the President of the Hunter Association Review Board to convince them to let anyone pass at ...
Add to Watchlist 1User reviewPhotos+ Add photoTop cast7 EditIssei Futamata Narrator (voice) Megumi Han Gon Freecss (voice) Mariya Ise Killua Zoldyck (voice)Bill Rogers Meleoron Wataru Takagi Knuckle BineFrank Todaro Hollow Cristina Valenzuela Killua Zoldyck (English version) (voice) (as Cristina...
For all its posturing to the contrary, Mega Man X really was just a marginally slicker take on the same sort of Mega Man action we've all known and loved over the years--and that's just fine. Though the X series did eventually run out of steam as the years went on, the original ...
Mega Man Maverick Hunter X is a remake of the original Mega Man X title that first appeared on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. The game builds upon the original, adding newly rendered 3D character models, totally new environments and gameplay fe