Of the 143994 characters on Anime Characters Database, 146 are from the anime Hunter x Hunter (2011).
Over 10K fans have voted on the 50+ characters on Best Hunter x Hunter Characters. Current Top 3: Killua Zoldyck, Gon Freecss, Kurapika
Characters Quotes Characters ☰ MENU Big Images Filter Hunter x Hunter: The Last Mission TEXT VIEW OF NAMES Section 0 Section 0 Gon Freecss Protagonist Kurapika Protagonist Leorio Paladinight Protagonist Hisoka Morow Antagonist Killua Zoldyck
An overview of the main and secondary characters of the anime Hunter × Hunter: Phantom Rouge (Gekijouban Hunter × Hunter: Phantom Rouge)
Hunter X Hunter has an insane amount of muscular characters - but we're breaking them down into the top five most muscular of all time. Actually, I won't lie, I cheated a little bit with TWO different sections of honorable mentions, and a runner up, so we have an extra seven characte...
Vote up the most powerful characters in the HxH universe. From licensed Hunters to Chimera Ants, Hunter x Hunter is filled with outrageously strong characters. They fight using not just their physical strength, but also complex Nen techniques that let them do everything from contr...
Other Namesゴン=フリークス Wealth80 RoleProtagonist FromHunter x Hunter (2011) Media Typeanime Voiced ByMegumi Han, 潘めぐみ, はん めぐみ Voiced ByJunko Takeuchi, 竹内順子, たけうち じゅんこ Voiced ByElinor Holt, , Voiced ByErica Mendez, , ...
Introduction: Hunter x Hunter is a show about fighting and growing, and so an important aspect of the show is really figuring out the hierarchy of strength between fighters. This is both an internal concept of the show, as many characters have certain ri
NenKiteHisoka MorowNeferpitouChrollo LucilferPhantom TroupeList of Hunter × Hunter CharactersGon FreecssKurapikaStory Arcs More ShadowCloak73·11/7/2023in General What do you personally call the Royal Guard members? Full names Short names Varies ...
Chrollo, the leader of the viciouscriminal organization, The Phantom Troupe, is one of the most dangerous characters in the world ofHunter X Hunter. His ability, Skill Hunter, allows him to steal abilities from other Nen users, and wield them at a later time. ...