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The Hunter X Hunter manga has experienced a number of hiatuses because creator Yoshihiro Togashi is dealing with health issues.
For the first time in three months, Togashi posted on Twitter on March 9. He showed a sneak peek of the numbers on the pages of chapter 401, which will be the first Hunter x Hunter chapter after the most recent break. The mangaka put a short message with the picture that says the ch...
Note: Sui Ishida, the mangaka of Tokyo Ghoul, wrote and illustrated a one-shot entitled "Hisoka's Past". The story is recognized by Yoshihiro Togashi, but may or may not be considered canon.Young Hisoka A teenage Hisoka is found beaten on the side of the road by circus ringmaster Morito...
Other fans clamor for Togashi to hand artistic duties over to another mangaka and concentrate on the writing, which Togashi surely is unwilling to do, or it would have happened years ago. In any case, Hunter x Hunter deserves a proper finale beyond this arc. Will Gon ever find his dad?
the perfect manga, but have a big problem, a lazy mangaka jaja Cid,2021-03-14 00:00 It may not deserve 5 stars yet but nostalgia go brrrr Kai,2021-03-13 00:00 I've loved Hiatus X Hiatus since I was a kid watching the original anime on TV。 It's weird to think that I was ...
Mangaka-san to Assistant-san to,Mushishi,Mushishi: Zoku-Shou,Naruto Shippuden,Natsume Yuujinchou,no Game no Life,Noragami,One Piece,ryuugajou nanana no maizoukin,Shingeki no Kyojin,Spring 2014,Strike the Blood,Sword Art Online,Sword Art Online II: The Phantom,Tiger & Bunny,Tokyo Ravens,Tonari...
The manga was written and drawn by mangaka Gaku Miyao (who I believe also created the character back in the 1980s with author Juuzou Mutsuki for an unused game design document) who is perhaps more famous for the desert fantasy adventure manga series Kazan. According to his Twitter the dude'...