Initially, Killua is introduced as a character who appears similar to Gon, but different at the same time; cheeky, cheerful, and full of mischievous ideas. However, his ruthlessness and aptitude in killing shows the other side of him—deadly, violent, and bloodthirsty. Killua has been trained...
especially in the organic jungle sequences. The brilliance of the animation elevates the experience to another atmospheric level. Hunter x Hunter is a wonderful anime that is rich in story, character, and imagination, meant for those who dare to dream the big dream. The fulfillment of your dr...
For requests I can do x y/n but only fluff. (or just normal hc for the character in mind) and I don't do them as your bf/gf for the following: Gon, Killua, Alluka, and Kalluto. Only platonic like as your friend or them having a crush on you/you like them. ...
A hot debate has been going on for ages now on which of the series is better, and this comes with some praising the deep plotline and character development of Hunter X Hunter while others claiming that Yu Yu Hakusho’s camaraderie and action scenes made the latter much more interesting....
In order to find a missing expedition party, players assume control of a custom Hunter character who journeys to the “Forbidden Lands,” an uninhabited landmass teeming with monsters.Monster Hunter Wilds is set to be released on February 28, 2024. | Credit: Capcom.This game was supposed to ...
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Witch Hunter Wiki, a wiki about the manhwa series Witch Hunter created by CHO Jung-man, featuring Tasha Godspell and Halloween.
while Tserriednich manifested his own one week after being initiated to Nen and without trying or even being aware of it. It seems that a Specialist's manifestation ofHatsuduring Water Divination reflects their character and may thus give some insight into the general direction in which they mig...
Rathalos descend on invaders from the sky, attacking with poison claws and breath of fire. Monster Hunter Portable 3rd 天空の王者と呼称され、畏れられる飛竜。雌火竜と共に巣を中心とした広いテリトリーを形成し、空から監視する。テリトリーに侵入した者には優れた飛行能力で上空から急降下し...