Hunter X Hunter manga is all set to make its grand comeback to Weekly Shonen Jump on October 7, 2024. In March 2024, series creator Yoshihiro Togashi posted on X after a long time, revealing that chapter 401 was finished, while sharing an image showing 19 finished pages.Since then, the...
While the creator of Hunter x Hunter has been on an indefinite hiatus since the release of chapter 400, “Secrecy”. Many fans of the series were devastated, with some speculating that the series may never return. Recommended Videos Luckily, the Hunter x Hunter manga is finally making its re...
which will be the first Hunter x Hunter chapter after the most recent break. The mangaka put a short message with the picture that says the chapter is done, even though a release date hasn’t been set yet. Togashi also said
Hunter x Hunter 310 May 28, 2010 Jean-Christian Leave a comment [chapter link] Well, here we are. The last chapter before yet another hiatus. Speaking of which, if you haven’t already done so, check out this latest article regarding HxH and its extensive history with hiatuses. It wou...
网友:炸毛猫评论: 《希腊神话(Hunter X Hunter)》 打分:0 发表时间:2009-07-26 19:03:09 所评章节:1 注意:希腊神话中所谓的处女神并不是说就是一从小到老死都是尼姑的女神,而是指不结婚,保持单身的女神。在希腊神话中的处女神很多都很风流的,有无数男伴,(ORZ我第一次看希腊神话的时候也很接受不来的说...
[HUNTER X HUNTER] 西索 X 伊耳谜 X ……? 作者:姬弥 [收藏此章节] [免费得晋江币] [投诉] 西索×伊耳谜 ×玛琪(完结)离开旅团之后的某一天,西索对伊耳谜说,他要去追求玛琪。 那天伊耳谜恰好没有工作。借宿在西索的公寓的他以一种职业性的半梦半醒姿态进行冥想。从前的这种时候他会像冬眠的土拨鼠一...
【onemanga】Hunter X Hunter / Chapter 185--- --猎人漫画英文版 只看楼主收藏回复 寒潭守鹤 铁杆会员 9 1 送TA礼物 1楼2009-03-27 12:23回复 寒潭守鹤 铁杆会员 9 点击看大图 welcome back!欢迎归来 2楼2009-03-27 12:43 回复 №☆守鹤 铁杆会员 8 hmm,am i back in reality? 恩?
which is very similar to Granblue Fantasy Versus. Each chapter sees the crew sailing through the skies to another island of Zegagrande, tackling a usually linear dungeon with a few bosses along the way, ending with a bigger and more complex boss encounter. Then you’re sent back to one of...
里原宿老牌店铺 CHAPTER 迎来了创立 20 周年的纪念,店铺也将与里原宿另一元祖级的品牌 BOUNTY HUNTER 展开合作系列。BOUNTY HUNTER 经典的 DEMERU KUN 玩偶在此次合作中再现,并运用了黑、红的配色设计,售价为 13800 日元,极具收藏价值。另外联名 Tee 共有三款配色可选,正面的 CHAPTER 的字样表明了纪念之意,售价...
In the whirlwind of 2023, Rich Furniss took the music scene by storm with a string of sold-out performances and talked-about releases. From gracing the stage