Beast Mastery Raiding/Solo Talent Build If you want to raid as Beast Mastery, this is the spec to use. Before you start getting raid gear, this will actually out-damage the standard raid spec. However, that does not take into account the extra AP you give to 4 party members, and will...
This guide will aid you and your Hunter on your journey to level 60; it will help you choose a Race, present you with an optimal leveling Talent build, point you towards Dungeons and Quests that award worthwhile Ranged Weapons, provide some tips & tricks, and more. Hunter's Strengths and...
Welcome to our WoW Classic leveling guide for hunters! Hunters are known for their unique and intense connection to animals, earning the respect of one to fight alongside in combat. Armed with a bow and supported by beast, hunters are fantastic at taking
Sniper Training –In my opinion a clunky talent for a very mobile class and spec – rewarding you for not moving, and making it increase your damage It’s very easy to keep up for your single target build since you aren’t moving around to trap too often but you are going to want to...
Beast Mastery— This talent tree revolves around the special relationship a Hunter forms with their pets, increasing their damage and utility. Marksmanship— Just as a pet is important to a Hunter, so is their weapon. Marksmanship revolves around increasing the damage a Hunter can deal with their...
This is the talent build you should be using for your pet. Tenacity Pets Useless for Raiding since the Scorpid Nerf. Addons These are the addons I use, and what they do: Elkano’s BuffBars: You can create a BuffBar that shows you whenLock and Loadprocs and how many seconds are le...
Check out preliminary talent calc onWowhead. No word yet on any MM or SV changes. SV is still melee. The general message I’ve seen in dev interviews so far is not to expect any big revamps for any specs, just tweaks. WoW Classic announced ...
They will also need to monitor their focus usage and regen using [Steady Shot], [Barbed Shot], or [Kill Command], depending on their Spec or talent usage. Your primary role is to deal DPS, as much as possible. In order to do this, make sure all your gear is enchanted and gemmed ...
Second, you’re kinda confusing me. In the section BM glyphs, pets and shot rotation you mention that ‘Raiding without Heart of the Phoenix is dangerous baby, yeah!’ But in here, you made a talent build that doesn’t include HotP. So now my question is, as a BM: spec it or don...
The Ferocity talent tree is the way to go. Here is a build to get you started.Sadly, we don’t have the extra 4 talents Beast Mastery does nor can we tame exotic creatures. Marksmanship Pet Talents Hunter Guide Patch: 3.3.5 Author: Legacy-WoW Guide Navigation Talents Glyphs Major ...