Hunter S. Thompson, The Art of Journalism No. 1Thompson, Hunter SArt, The
Hunter S. Thompson was an American author and journalist best known for his bookFear and Loathing in Las Vegas, and for his style of journalism which he coined 'Gonzo'. He was born Hunter Stockton Thompson on July 18th, 1937 in Louisville, Kentucky to Jack Robert Thompson, an insurance adj...
杰克·罗伯特·汤普森(Jack Robert Thompson) 母亲: 维吉尼亚·雷·戴维森(Virginia Ray Davison) 兄弟: 詹姆斯·格内特·汤普森(James Garnet Thompson) 戴维森·威乐·汤普森(Davison Wheeler Thompson) 小詹姆斯·R·汤普森(James R. Thompson, Jr.) 妻子: 安妮塔·汤普森(Anita Thompson) (m. 2003 – 2005) 亨特...
Comprehend the concept of gonzo journalism in Hunter S. Thompson's writing that made him a cult personality. Study Hunter S. Thompson's biography...
– Hunter S. Thompson 20. “You can’t hoard fun. It has no shelf life.”– Hunter S. Thompson Which of these Hunter S Thompson quotes is your favorite? Hunter S Thompson was a brilliant, ingenious, and passionate writer who revolutionized modern journalism. Though he is no longer ...
2005年2月20日,美国传奇作家,“刚左”新闻(Gonzo Journalism)开创者以及被纽约时称为“Blog精神教父”的亨特·汤普森(Hunter S. Thompson)以开枪自杀的方式结束了67年的传奇人生。刚左的报道风格“基于福克纳的思想,即最好的小说远比任何一种形式的新闻更为真实”,旗... 更多个人档案 最新图片 4张图片 主要...
Every bad boy or bad boy wannabe needs to know one name: Hunter S. Thompson. Or, you can simply call him HST if you want to be cool about it.
Thompson stuck to journalism, mercifully, he fell 468 votes short of victory. A close shave, but they have never shaken him off completely: he was long active in local politics, and was almost single-handedly responsible for the fact that the planned extension of the local airfie...
New Journalism, as practiced by Tom Wolfe, Jimmy Breslin, and other writers, loosened the accepted bounds of journalism in the 1960s. Embracing these unrestricted journalism practices, Hunter S. Thompson adapted the New Journalists' techniques and added some of his own to create Gonzo Journalism....
Thompson is most famously known for his "Gonzo Journalism," a revolutionary style that challenged traditional news reporting by embracing subjectivity and personal experience. He believed that truth lay in the personal narrative, and his writings often portrayed a rebellious and unconventional...