Survival Hunters go from a primarily support-oriented spec in TBC, to a DPS powerhouse in WotLK — in fact, they were seen as the #1 pick for Hunter specializations at the start of the expansion for raiding. This may or may not hold true today, as they have seen a fair share of nerf...
For arenas,Huntersare a niche class where each spec excels at specific things. While not S-tier in arena, they are absolutely viable, and can be quite strong when played correctly. Beast Masteryis the glass cannon specialization. This spec has the scariest burst window out of anyHunterspec ...
For PvE, Draenei will be the best choice early on because of Heroic Presence. This is incredibly useful in getting the Hit cap early, and is even a party-wide aura. However, this just means that each group in a raid only needs one Draenei for the entire group to benefit from the aura...
Expansion: WotLK Classic PvE Survival Hunter Talents, Builds & Glyphs Stat Priority Best Races Gems, Enchants & Consumables Rotation & Cooldowns Best Professions Best in Slot (BiS) & Pre-Raid Gear Addons & Macros Addons General You want any addon or weak aura that shows your auto shot ...
Pet Choice Addons Introduction With patch 3.08 the Survival Spec has become the new maximum dps build for aspiring hunters everywhere. I will show you what stats to reach for, what builds to use, how to use the rotation effectively and more. First off the Talent build. ...
Surv remained completely viable for the entirety of WotLK, though It’s like all the Boss fights in ICC was all Single Target DPS and only 2 fights are AoE fest. MM with Armor Pen dominated the Single Target DPS. Survival has nowhere close on Single Target DPS. On 2 fights where Hunt...
First of all, I'm new to the hunter class as a whole and have just gotten to level 55 with my SV hunter. So I can't professionally comment on its PVP or PVE capabilites - besides, the numbers will change anyway. What I want to do is to talk about the survival spec as a whole...
DK/Resto Druid – The only chance here is to hope the Druid is in a lot of PvE gear, then switch to them when they go to Cyclone one of you. It’s near impossible to nuke a DK with Druid heals, not to mention this team has loads of tools to keep you snared. ...
I have mained hunter since I started this game back in WOTLK and I have mained SV since it became a melee spec. You were perfectly happy when they destroyed the class for ranged SV players so why should people care about your preferences? Of course “the people who play SV enjoy it”...
Hi David, Pets are pretty homogenized in WotLK with all of their modifiers linked to their respective talent trees. Properly specced, a ferocity pet will always out-damage a tenacity pet since the ferocity tree talent choices favor DPS where as tenacity favors threat and survivability. If you’...