Neferpitou (ネフェルピトー, Neferupitō), nicknamed Pitou (ピトー, Pitō), was a cat-humanoid Chimera Ant and the firstborn of the Chimera Ant King's three Royal Guards. They also served as one of the main antagonists of the Chimera Ant arc. Neferpitou had the appearance of a humano...
+ Souterrains générés : tentez votre chance en essayant de trouver la sortie d’un souterrain. Où se trouvera-t-elle cette fois-ci ? Qui vous attend au tournant ? + Devinettes et puzzles : déplacez, tournez, allumez, activez, dénichez... Bref, résolvez une multitude d’...
When it hatches, a Chimera Ant will emerge in full adult form ready to work for the Queen.[1] The Queen is the center of reproduction. In the event that she should die, reports state that male soldier Ants will break from the colony and become copycat Kings, trying to forcibly mate ...
【科学小世界】HUN..我们从苦逼的奇牙被屁攻击说起……三井寺步行虫:三井寺歩行虫Pheropsophus jessoensis Morawitz分布国家和地区:国家和地区中国(云南),日本,朝鲜,韩国中国俗称屁歩甲
Or are you a scaredy-cat? Bah ha ha! -Unbeatable Hell Hunters Notes: Unlocks the 3★ Gathering Hall Quests "Hunters' Heaven" and "Advanced: Fearsome Rumblings" and the 3★ Gathering Hall Urgent Quest "Advanced: Sand Sailor" Heat Exhaustion 最も危険な運び依頼 Main Objective: Deliver...
在阿b没有找到相关的解说 Malant 属性攻击几级就ok了呢 我现在给配满了,有点困惑数值问题 Malant 1-6 3 有没有天尊带带我 十亿神明 想要精气琥珀尖和钢壳的恩惠,switch单机玩家现在一碰就碎,很烦 十亿神明 1-4 0 各位大佬,迅龙轻弩橙色这个是什么,怎么获得 啧啧族 橙色这个怎么获得 啧啧...
Daimyo Hermitaur is a Carapaceon introduced in Monster Hunter 2. Daimyo Hermitaur has a large, crab-like body. It is covered in a red and white carapace and wears the skull of a Monoblos as a protective shell. It has broad, shield-like claws and long ant
+ Souterrains générés : tentez votre chance en essayant de trouver la sortie d’un souterrain. Où se trouvera-t-elle cette fois-ci ? Qui vous attend au tournant ? + Devinettes et puzzles : déplacez, tournez, allumez, activez, dénichez... Bref, résolvez une multitude d’énigm...
The Queen's intention to give birth to a perfect offspring was reflected in Meruem's mentality, with the Ant being haughty towards all. Born as the ultimate biological weapon, his physical power is only matched by an unparalleled intellect. Meruem was born with an exceptional amount of aura,...
Anime characterChimera Ant Queenis a character fromHunter x Hunter (2011). Due to being indexed as a Non-Human character type, they do not have visual traits assigned. TraitAppears asOfficial 性别Unknown 眼睛的颜色Unknown 头发颜色Unknown