1. New event: Guild Blimp (Unlocks 2 days after server launch and at Character Lv.36) 2. New feature: Skill Point Raid (Available at Lv.33) 3. New feature: Guild Assistance (Available at Lv. 29) 4. New feature: R4 Soul Weapon Dungeon Hunter 6 v1.1.3(Old Version) ► Updated: ...
- Guild Gal Announcer Retreat Run-in 皐月に竜と泳ぐ Main Objective: Hunt a Hyper Royal Ludroth, a Hyper Plesioth, and a Hyper Lagiacrus Location: Moat Arena Time Limit: 50 min. Environment: Stable Reward: 26400z HR Points: 1520 Subquest Reward: N/A Subquest HR Points: N/A ...
I always thought that elder dragon was just a fairy tale, but now that fairy tale's about to raze the whole world! it was spotted atop Speartip Crag. We must stop it, or else... -Guildmaster Notes: Must complete all 7★ Gathering Hall Key Quests to unlock. Unlocks the 7★ Gath...