What is the advantage of taking the Online Hunter Education Course? A. All new hunters are encouraged to take the Hunter Education and Ethics Development (HEED) course, regardless of age. If you were born after April 1, 1987, you need to complete a hunter education course before getting you...
As a top provider of hunter safety education, HUNTERcourse.com® offers online courses to meet certification requirements across the United States & Canada.
As a top provider of hunter safety education, HUNTERcourse.com® offers online courses to meet certification requirements across the United States & Canada.
As a top provider of hunter safety education, HUNTERcourse.com® offers online courses to meet certification requirements across the United States & Canada.
The Official Interactive Hunter Safety Course. Earn your hunting license while playing a game online. No timers. Learn at your own pace. Get certified today!
The Official Interactive Hunter Safety Course. Earn your hunting license while playing a game online. No timers. Learn at your own pace. Get certified today!
Welcome to the Kansas Hunter Education online course. This course is provided without charge to you by the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks. I hope that you find this course to be a fun introduction into the hunting activities that the 1300 volunteer hunter education instructors of Kansas...
Course Fee: FREE Other Charges: Some classes provide an optional meal for participants for which a fee may be charged. For classes including live fire, an additional form needs to be downloaded and signed. Online Course The Indiana state-approved online Hunter Education course. Use this service...
If you are 11 to 15 years of age when you register for this course, you must pass both the online and Skills Session portions of the hunter education. You must be at least 11 years old to attend the Skills Session. The Hunter Education Skills Session Qualifier Certificate is valid for on...
Basic Hunter-Trapper Education Online Course You must be a Pennsylvania resident age 16 or older to take this Basic Hunter-Trapper Education Online Course. Students who successfully complete this course, which includes an exam, will be able to print a temporary Hunter Education Certificate. A perma...