By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Post) Investment advisor and former Assistant Secretary of Housing Catherine Austin Fitts contends CV19 and vaccines to cure it are all part of the “Going Direct Reset.” Fitts explains, “This is so simple at
By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Evening Post) Precious metals expert and financial writer Bill Holter has been predicting the financial system is going to go down. It’s not a matter of if, but when. One of the things that will make this comi
Douglas Macgregor: Is the war in Ukraine entering its decisive phase? Pt.1 / Michael Vlahos 2.69K subscribers 62,636 views Dec 9, 2022 Michael Vlahos and Douglas Magcregor meet in the library of the Army-Navy Club, Washington, D.C., to reflect on the war in Ukraine: Past, Present, ...
So yes, I am saying your buying power will likely be good for awhile but anything held when we move to the high inflation phase. I have been wrong before but when inflation gets here, we will still be using the USD. The Govt will use that to steal from it’s citizens and the hold...
Hypothecation or Re-Hypothecation of said Gold has been the mainstay of The Gold Cartel (read BIS/FED & Bullion Banks). All in support of the USD Hegemony. Numerous analysis have been done to determine where the Gold that China/Russia (& others) have been importing, has come from. Melted...
Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Best-selling author and economic expert Doug Casey says another financial meltdown worse than the last one is coming soon. Casey says, “I was saying in 2007 that we were going into a gigantic financi