1Introduction2Builds, Talents, Glyphs3Pets4Rotation and Cooldowns5Spell Summary6Stat Priority7Enchants, Consumables8Gear and Best in Slot9Leveling10Pre-Raid Gear TABLE OF CONTENTS OF THIS PAGE 1. Beast Mastery Hunter Guide for Cataclysm Classic ...
On this page, you will find out the optimal PvE stat priority for your Beast Mastery Hunter in Cataclysm Classic. We first present the stat priority, before delving into more complex explanations.Pages in this Guide 1 Introduction 2 Builds, Talents, Glyphs 3 Pets 4 Rotation and Cooldowns 5...
Notable Talents The Beast Within - Reduces your mana cost, increases your damage done, and makes you CC immune to almost everything when popping bestial wrath Beast Mastery - Let's you spend more talent points on your pet, don't forget it when taking thi
The best way to level a hunter is to go Beast Mastery. This will put most of your strength into your pet, which is fantastic because it gives you an extra source of damage and a primary line of defense. Not only can you revive and heal your pet, but you can also control how it ...
Hunter Leveling TalentsFor hunters the Beast Mastery (BM) spec is the best for straight leveling speed. It gives few buffs to the hunter himself, although they are there, but mainly it turns the pet into a war machine and allows that pet, alone, to handle multiple opponents (not so much...
The Beast Mastery 20 point pet build for best DPS is just a continuation of the 16 point build. All we’re doing differently is topping off Wild Hunt with 2/2, Maxing Shark Attack with 2/2, and picking up Charge. One could argue the use of the one point in Charge could be better...
PvP Hunter Pets: Cataclysm Edition (Accurate as of Patch 4.3) The care and feeding of PvP Hunter Pets Keep ’em on a short leash All three specs, not just Beast Masters, should exercise very careful control over their pets in PvP. If you’re serious about PvP, then you’re no doubt ...
Beast Mastery DPS, BM PvP Survival PvE Hunter Overview, Hunter Leveling, Hunter PvP gearMarksmanship Hunter PvP TalentsKeep in mind that talents are easily changed with one Tome of the Clear Mind. Keep a stack and change talents as necessary. These picks are for general PvP use, but there ...
Beast Critter Dragon Elemental Flying Humanoid Magic Mechanical Undead Currencies Archaeology Battle for Azeroth Burning Crusade Cataclysm Dragon Racing UI (Hidden) Dragonflight Dungeon and Raid Hidden Legion Miscellaneous Mists of Pandaria Player vs. Player Shadowlands Torghast UI (Hidden) Tuskarr - Fishing...
Before Legion, Survival was a mostly ranged DPS spec, like Beast Mastery and Marksmanship. However, in beta and early classic WoW, Survival (originally named Outdoormanship) hunters were in fact intended to engage mostly in melee, and had many talents to support this. Even in later versions,...