MP1000, MP2000, MP3000, MP3500 Optimale Niederschlagsrate Der Standard MP Rotator verfügt über eine einheitliche Niederschlagsrate von ca. 10 mm/Std. bei einem Radiusbereich von 2,5 m bis 10,7 m. MP2000-90 MP3000-360 MPLCS515 ...
MP2000360 360° MP3000 - 22' to 30' radius MP300090 90° to 210° MP3000210 210° to 270° MP3000360 360° MP3500 - 31' to 35' radius MP350090 90° to 210° MP Corners and Strips MPLCS515 Left Corner 5' x 15' MPRCS515 ...
The MP Rotator is the best tool to maximize the efficiency of your irrigation design One size does not fit all. Having two matched precipitation rates across two MP Rotator families with the widest radius range in the industry provides precise control over system design and water management. Havi...
DESIGNERS We are committed to offering helpful resources to simplify the design process. Learn More DISTRIBUTORS Giving our trusted partners the tools to support the professional channel. Learn More GOLF We make sure our Golf experts and professionals receive the support they need to conceptualize, ex...
Hunter Industries Acquires MP Rotator Turf Sprinkler Business from Nelson Irrigation Corporation
MP ROTATOR PERFORMANCE DATA MP1000 Radius:8' to 15' Adjustable Arc & Full Circle Maroon:90° to 210° Lt. Blue:210° to 270° Olive:360° ArcPressureRadiusFlowPrecip in/hr PSIftGPMGPH 90° 30120.1710.20.450.52 35130.1911.40.430.50 ...
The MP Rotator is the best tool to maximize the efficiency of your irrigation design One size does not fit all. Having two matched precipitation rates across two MP Rotator families with the widest radius range in the industry provides precise control over system design and water management. Havi...
MP 旋转射线®喷嘴 - 不旋转 景观灌溉 Chinese Built on Innovation Cancel 杂质 如果MP 旋转射线喷嘴不旋转,则喷嘴中可能有一些杂质。拆下喷嘴,检查并清洁过滤网。更换喷嘴,打开阀门,让喷头运行。逆时针转动四圈中间的螺丝,射程调到最大。然后顺时针转动角度调节环,将喷洒角度调至最大。您需要多次开闭角度调节...
MP2000210 210° to 270° MP2000360 360° MP3000 - 6.7 to 9.1 m radius MP300090 90° to 210° MP3000210 210° to 270° MP3000360 360° MP3500 - 9.4 to 10.7 m radius MP350090 90° to 210° MP Corners and Strips MPLCS515
当MP 旋转射线喷嘴更换散射喷嘴时,您需要根据施加的水量增加运行时间。即使运行时间延长一倍,由于 MP 旋转射线喷头提高了效率,您仍可比散射喷嘴节水多达 30%。 名称 参考卡 MP Rotator® 选择语言 English Metric Spanish Italian French Portuguese - Brazil ...