The five senses worksheet for preschool is easy to print and features large boxes for your child to draw or write in. How to Prepare the Scavenger Hunt Print out the free printable five senses worksheet. If you don’t plan to reuse the activity, a pencil or crayon will be sufficient and...
This letter hunt activity helps young learners such as preschoolers, kindergartners, and grade 1 students work on letter recognition. Children will complete the find the letter worksheet to practice visual discrimination of upper and lowercase letters. THere is aletter recognition printablefor each let...
The game is afoot — a rabbit's foot, to be precise! Whether you have a brood of toddlers embarking on their first great search or tweens or teens in need of more of a challenge, everyone can find some way to get into a great Easter egg hunt. But if you want to do something a ...
For this particular worksheet, kids will hunt through the library to find a resource for each of the genre book shelves pictured. Then students will write the title of the book(and author for older students) they found. Library scavenger hunt middle school For younger students, they can just ...
is a simple process for those whom have been taught and understand the material created by both Ryan and Jenni. Of course, there is much to learn, but Ryan and Jenni provided all the necessary resources and training to win on Amazon. I highly recommend this course, and I highly recommend...
This shaved off weeks of research (and quadruple checking) that I would have had to do on my own! Everything in this ‘box’ is about making the private label process as easy as possible by taking out the guesswork that paralyzes most of us. Common anxieties are minimized with the ...
This activity is perfect for springtime when every discount store you walk into has those colorful little plastic eggs on sale for 99 cents for a couple dozen. Spring for a buck, and use them to make a fun learning activity that gets everybody outdoors to enjoy some springtime air and a ...
A few months ago, I read a tweet recommending the following: “Don’t give your kids an allowance. Pay them interest instead. I made a system that naturally instills the power of compounding and makes them understand money.” Original Thread We started using this idea and the worksheet to...
Part of long-term planning is setting goals. If you aren’t sure where to start, download this goal-setting worksheet. If you’re like Johnny and sometimes need a break from your desk at Bob’s Garage, you might want to check out a cafe for inspiration. We’ve heard good things about...
Match theFlower Worksheet for Kindergarten Springlego challenge cards Fruit Loop Color MatchingUmbrella Craft I Spy Spring Spring Science These science projects and spring science experiments are perfect for indoor or outdoor! How big is aRaindrop Experimentfor kids ...