Experience life as a shark and eat everything that gets in your way in this action-packed aquatic adventure. Control more than 20 sharks in full HD and take on fearsome bosses as you venture into the depths to find trapped sharks, hidden treasures, and m
Also Evolution is a amazing game too and the sharks look so real but so fake at the same time that’s really cool. Thank you for the free mako shark in world and he has the coolest skin ever the vamp is very fast and deadly. Also the games have been so fun and maybe one day yo...
飢餓鯊:世界 (Hungry Shark World) 評分與評論 4.7(滿分 5 分) 2.4万 則評分兆哥是我 , 2021/02/09 真無課手遊 雖然廣告很煩,但至少裡面都是不用課金的,除非你想快速獲得鯊魚,不然一步一腳印是可以達到的,機甲鯊吉拉大概玩一個月差不多就可以得到了,現在去哪裡找這種功能全開只要看廣告就可以暢玩...
The latest installment of the award-winning Hungry Shark® series now on PS4™!Become a shark and spread terror on the beach! Sink your teeth on tons of new missions.Experience life as a shark in full HD with redefined, and fully optimized, gamepad controls. EXPLORE THE OCEAN Fight man...
Hungry Shark World 饥饿鲨 世界的视频,攻略,评测,图片,评分,讨论, 帮助你判断是否好玩,发现更多相似好游戏及爱玩这些游戏的人
1 Review All Reviews Positive Reviews Mixed Reviews Negative Reviews 75 LaPS4 Jul 21, 2018 Hungry Shark World arrives to please mobile players who want to enjoy this kind of games in their consoles. A game aimed at casual players who enjoy playing quick matches without a huge story or hardc...
Despite its issues, Hungry Shark World is still a fun romp for what it is. It's gorgeous, it's stylish, it's funny, and let's face it: playing as a shark is always cool. It's even better if you can equip that shark with a laser gun, which you can totally do! If that sound...
- 生态战士挑战赛 Hungry Shark World 正在参加 2024 年 Green Game Jam,我们创建了一种全新的游戏模式:生态战士挑战赛。人类污染使海洋变暗,使海洋生物变得具有攻击性。控制盖亚并使用种子炮在海底重新种植植物,在这种新的生存游戏模式中恢复海洋的平衡。
《Hungry Shark World》—最近微博宣传的比较火热的一个游戏。从名字看就知道是“吃鱼“系列的游戏,由于近段时间卡牌游戏的轰炸使得小编对不用打怪抽奖的游戏有了特别的兴趣。商店中图标和宣传画上蓝蓝的大海和比基尼让小编在被高温烤的呆滞时略有一丝回神。或许这也是Ubisoft选择在现在放出这个游戏的原因之一吧。
Hungry Shark World Hungry Shark World : The stunning sequel to Hungry Shark™ Evolution is here! The Sharks are back, and this time they are taking