Your actions at The Hunger Site have raised the value of over 800,214,658 cups of food for people in need. Click today to fight hunger and poverty around the world by donating food - it's free!
Email Sign Pledge Your email address will NOT be displayed publicly. Please see our Terms of Service Remind me to click daily at The Hunger Site (manage and customize your newsletters any time). Please add me to the Take Action! email lists to see more pledges like this one Yes...
MoreOnTheHungerSiteAndGreaterGoodNetwork Eachclickontheyellow"ClickHeretoGive-it’sFREE"buttonatTheHungerSite (.TheHungerSite)providesfoodforthoseinneed.100%ofthe"click donations"receivedfromsponsoringadvertisersisgiventocharity.Primary beneficiariesofthesedonationsareFeedingAmerica,MercyCorps,andMillennium ...
1,000 times on the button in order to increase their donation - the site will only register one click a day from each unique Internet address. The site does try to maximize the networking capabilities of the Net, though. People are invited to put links to the Hunger Site on their own ...
Monetary donations are also very welcome, with every 1,000 yen donated allowing the organisation to deliver 30,000 yen worth of food to those in need. Either give a one-off sum or set up a standing orderthrough their website. NameSecond Harvest Japan ...
CLICK ON: or San Francisco Courtroom 3 9:00am Wednesday 5/13 Why is the extension motion important? We are arguing for an EXTENSION MOTION so the court will continue to monitor that CDCr (CA Dept of Corrections) is in...
"The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet" - Frederick Buechner
“Sometimes the staff act like they’re doing us a favour when they give out the aid, and we feel humiliated,” she says, “as though we were taking their food instead of donations.” Sarah is just one of more than 360,000 internally displaced people in Haiti. ...
I have been waiting for some perspective to shift or something to click for me in this area and I think it just did. At a recent meeting with a major healthcare provider, he said: “Kids are basically healthy unless you really mess them up, but seniors are a significant expense.” If...
If you prefer to donate directly to the cause, we have also set up avirtual restaurantwhere visitors are able to make monetary donations via online payments. The online payments are secure with all proceeds going to the Food Aid Foundation and Kechara Soup Kitchen. ...