Phasing out of market support for agricultural producers in developed countries is necessary as a first step in the fight against obesity, poverty, and hunger worldwide, says Schäfer Elinder ([p 1333][1]). She argues that the subsidising of agricultural overproduction in Europe has led to...
EinTeam von zehn Ärzten und Krankenschwestern aus Frankreich hat in Afrika schon viel Gutes geleistet. Sie kümmern sich um Brüder, dieunterden Folgen von Bürgerkriegen,Hungersnötenund Krankheitenleiden. jw2019 Ha. in der Erwägung, dass die weit verbreitete Armut,unterder die Menschen...
Sustainable Food Systems Malnutrition has been linked to both under- as well as overweight [1–4] and is considered the single most important threat to global public health [5–7], with data from the World Health Organization (WHO) suggesting that malnutrition accounts for the largest proportion...