Humpback whales will also perform flippers or pectoral fin slaps. To do this, they will roll onto their back, lift their flippers out of the water, and slap them down onto the water. Current theories for this behavior as a means of communication include expressing joy, initiating play, or ...
Migratory interchange of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) among breeding grounds of Oceania and connections to Antarctic feeding areas based on genotype matchingHumpbackMegaptera novaeangliaeMigrationGenotypingHumpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) congregate to breed during the austral winter near ...
Not only did the whalers target the humpbacks in their feeding grounds and migratory corridors, they also hit them in their breeding grounds by taking advantage of the strong bond between the fast-moving, deep-diving, slow-breathing mothers and their surface-bound calves that need to breathe ...
Humpback whalesare distributed globally in marine habitats. At least seven populations are recognized in the southern hemisphere: three in the North Pacific, one in the North Atlantic, and an unusual nonmigratory population in the Arabian Sea. Humpback whales often occur near shore. Lengthy seasonal...
“humpback whales […] save save an eight-year project that tracked humpback whale migrations by satellite shows the huge mammals follow uncannily straight paths for weeks at a time. the results suggest a single migratory mechanism isn't responsible. instead, humpbacks may use a combination of ...
Observations on the migrations of North Pacific humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) Migratory destinations of northeast Pacific humpback whales () were determined by repeat sightings of photographically identified individuals, using the black and white pigment patterns on the ventral side of the flukes...
Burns D, Brooks L, Clapham P, Harrisson P. Between-year synchrony in migratory timing of individual humpback whales, Megaptera novaeangliae. Mar Mammal Sci. 2012; 29: 228-235.Burns, D., L. Brooks, P. Clapham and P. Harrison. 2012. Between-year synchrony in migratory timing of individual...
Craig AS, Herman LM, Gabriele CM, Pack AA (2003) Migra- tory timing of humpback whales (Megaptera novaean- gliae) in the central North Pacific varies with age, sex and reproductive status. Behaviour 140:981-1001 Dawbin W (1966) The seasonal migratory cycle of the hump- back whale. In...
(2008). Migratory connections between humpback whales from South Pacific breeding grounds and Antarctic feeding areas based on genotype matching. Report SC/60/SH13 to the Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission, Santiago, Chile....
S. (2000) Migratory destinations of humpback whales wintering in the Mexican Pacific. (Megaptera novaeangliae). Journal of CetaceanUrban R, J., Jaramillo, A., Aguayo, L., Ladron de Guevara, P., Salinas, M., Alvarez, C., Medrano, L., Jacobsen, J., Balcomb, K., Claridge...