It contains the only two humpback whales in captivity U njemu se nalaze jedina dva primjerka grbavih kitova u zatočeništvu opensubtitles2 In some cases, religion drives many Africans to extraordinary length: to attack other human beings, to commit ritual killing, targeting those livin...
It contains the only twohumpback whalesin captivity V njem sta edina kitagrbavcav ujetništvu opensubtitles2 Humpback whalesswim from the cold waters of the North and South Poles toward the equator and back. Kiti grbavciplavajo iz mrzlih voda severnega in južnega pola do ekvatorja in ...
in captivity. Most information is derived from postmortem dissections and hydrophone recordings that capture the range and complexities of mysticete vocalizations. A recent study byPotter et al. (2007)showed that the source of emitted vocalizations in live singing male humpback whales originates in...
Survival in captivity was calculated for 1,707 bottlenose dolphins (ED), 72 killer whales (KW), 73 white whales (WW), 3,090 California sea lions (CSL), and 47 Steller sea lions (SSL) based on data in the Marine Mammal Inventory Report (MMIR) of the NMFS. Mean annual survival rates ...
2. Baleen species studied at close quarters underwater – specifically a grey whale calf in captivity for a year, and free-ranging right whales and humpback whales studied and filmed off Argentina and Hawaii –have obviously tracked objects with vision underwater, and they can apparently see mode...
At present, however, very little is known concerning the basic requirements of dolphins in captivity (Dudok van Heel, 1972; Tayler and Saayman, 1973) and consequently much of what has been written concerning their social behavior and organization is speculative, if not erroneous....
英语翻译Baleen species studied at close quarters underwater-specifically a gray whale calf in captivity for a year,and free-ranging right whales and humpback whales studied and filmed off Argentina and Hawaii-have obviously tracked objects with v
英语翻译Baleen species studied at close quarters underwater-specifically a gray whale calf in captivity for a year,and free-ranging right whales and humpback whales studied and filmed off Argentina and Hawaii-have obviously tracked objects with v
This is the largest seawater tank in the world, and it contains the only two humpback whales in captivity Toto je největší nádrž s mořskou vodou na světě.Máme tam jediné dvě velryby hrbaté na světě, které jsou v zajetí opensubtitles2 The Flipper of the Humpback Wh...
Humpback whales, once numerous, now number about #, # specimens Število grbastih kitov je padlo na borih #. # primerkov opensubtitles2 Let's just say that no humpback born in captivity has ever survived. Noben v ujetništvu rojen grbavec še ni preživel. OpenSubtitles201...