I can't stand people with no sense ofhumour. 我无法忍受毫无幽默感的人。 牛津词典 They failed to see thehumourof the situation. 他们没有看出这情景的滑稽之处。 牛津词典 She ignored his feeble attempt athumour. 她没理他想表现却又差劲的幽默。
美[ˈhjumər] 英[ˈhjuːmə(r)] n.幽默;心情;脾气;性格 v.迎合;迁就 网络诙谐;幽默感;滑稽 第三人称单数:humors现在分词:humoring过去式:humored 搭配 同义词 反义词 Adj.+n. black humour,dry humour,acid humour 权威英汉双解 英汉 ...
humour 基本解释 名词幽默; 幽默感 ; 感觉; 体液 动词迁就; 顺应 humour 网络解释 1. (幽默) 幽默是调节心理的灵丹:H- help (帮助)在学生最需要的时候及时给予帮助. | humour (幽默)幽默是调节心理的灵丹. | I- ignite (点燃)点燃儿童心中的明灯. ...
humour英音: ['hju:mə] 美音: ['hju:mə] 名词1.不可数名词:幽默,幽默感2.[C,U]【正式的】感觉,心情,精神状态3.可数名词:体液(旧时认为存在人体内有四种可影响健康的性格)及物动词:迁就,顺应 英英释义 a message whose ingenuity or verbal skill or incongruity has the power to evoke laughter ...
美[ˈhjumər] 英[ˈhjuːmə(r)] n.幽默感;(生来的)脾气;(一时的)兴致;幽默的东西[言词,文章等] v.迁就;使自己适应于…;顺着…办;灵活处理[掌握] 网络诙谐 第三人称单数:humours现在分词:humouring过去式:humoured 搭配 同义词
Jane has a wicked sense of humour.(简有一种恶作剧的幽默感。) I give the programme nought out of ten for humour.(我给这个节目的幽默打零分。) His humour depended on contempt for others.(他的幽默基于对他人的蔑视。) I can't stand people with no sense of humour.(我无法忍受毫无幽默感...
Jane has a wicked sense of humour.(简有一种恶作剧的幽默感。) I give the programme nought out of ten for humour.(我给这个节目的幽默打零分。) His humour depended on contempt for others.(他的幽默基于对他人的蔑视。) I can't stand people with no sense of humour.(我无法忍受毫无幽默感...
rather than getting intoargumentswith me.•I want the police to look for her, nothumourme.•She wasn't even going tohumourMrs Fanshawe any more.•Children go throughdefinedperiods of oppositionalbehaviourand may needhumouringout of them.•Ihumouredthe oldlady, who soon went on her way...