jw2019 Humorousstories about him made me chuckle and recall our happy life together. A thiltawn nuihzatthlâk tak takte chuan min tinuiin, hlim taka kan awm laite min hriatchhuahtîr a ni. jw2019
so there will be a baby to rock and grandma stories to tell. There are gardens to plan, chickens to feed (always) and eggs to gather (not always). I can’t forget about a New Year’s resolution for 2019, either. Maybe I should write more. The idea for a book has been floating ...
Gottfried, the elegant, highly educated humanist-courtier poet, classified Wolfram as a teller of wild stories persuasive to “dull minds.” Wolfram’s style iseccentricand brilliant. His works, with a high ethical seriousness at their core, are full of arobusthumour that can shade into the gr...