Bill Bryson Quotes On Humorous Go to table of contents Germans are flummoxed by humor, the Swiss have no concept of fun, the Spanish think there is nothing at all ridiculous about eating dinner at midnight, and the Italians should never, ever have been let in on the invention of the motor...
So despite being bad for many things, we can safely say that drinking is good for one thing - namely, providing us with some hilarious short funny quotes about drinking. So, lean back and pour in these funny alcohol quotes: I used to jog but the ice cubes kept falling out of my glass...
lit up a cat, which then jumped off of his lap, gouging his crotch, which then made the prince grab his balls in pain thereby knocking over the rest of the cat incendiary devices he had next to him, which then set his castle on fire, burned down the rest of the town, and ...