The study reveals that in the texts of anecdotes that appeared as a reaction to the political dialogue of J. Biden and V. Putin, the most frequent are precedent phenomena dating back to children’s folklore. The analyzed cycle of anecdotes is dominated by the topic of children’s yard ...
Daughters might run off and join the cabaret. Everyone was a stranger there, and even though all lived cheek-by-jowl, no one knew where anyone lived. Troublemakers could simply melt into the cement, into the anonymity of city life — instead of into the wilderness, or the forest. The na...
In the yard, after the train pulled out, he saw his private car under a glaring arc light, and grinned to see it left behind. He spent the night pleasantly in a noisy game of high-low-jack, and the next morning slept more soundly than he had slept for weeks, hunched102 upon a ...