(2017). The association between sense of humor and trauma-related mental health outcomes: Two exploratory studies. Journal of Loss and Trauma, 22(5), 440–452. https://doi.org/10.1080/15325024.2017.1310504 Article Google Scholar Braniecka, A., Hanć, M., Wołkowicz, I., Chrzczon...
humoral immune response humoral immunity Humoral pathology humoralism humoralist humorally humoresque humoring Humorism humorist Humoristic Humorize humorless humorlessly humorous humorously humorousness Humorsome Humorsomely Humorsomeness humour humouralism ...
Descriptions such as shell-shocked, were replaced with terms like post traumatic stress disorder, which don't relate the severity of the trauma. Humor from the Forum One-Line Whit. An optometrist is running for mayor. He has a clear vision for the city. I lost the worm from my hook, ...
However, a significant interaction effect was found between experimental conditions for memory recall of trauma cues in participants with high and low baseline trait-acceptance. Higher trait acceptance was related to better memory recall post-trauma exposure in the acceptance and humor training conditions...
hand and it stays lost. No magical growing back of body parts. They also suffer physical and emotional pain. And they die, often horrible and painful deaths.I am pretty sure a huge section of the Halls of Mandos are set aside for dealing with just the mental trauma. Elven PTSD is real...
Once a stimulus is perceived as humorous, it will trigger a reaction within the individual. This reaction may be physiological (laughter), cognitive (wit), or emotional (mirth), or a combination of these experiences. Therefore, the total sensation of a humorous event is a complex interaction ...
As your friendly local trauma surgeon who has held in her hands the brain matter of boys struck by automobiles while haphazardly crossing the street and has had to deliver the sad news that a boy will never walk again due to lack of being restrained in a vehicle that crashed, I hope that...
(4) Tinkle (3.94) Bebop (3.93) Egghead (3.92) Ass (3.92) Twerp (3.92) Rape (1.18) Torture (1.26) Torment (1.3) Gunshot (1.31) Death (1.32) Nightmare (1.33) War (1.33) Trauma (1.35) Rapist (1.37) Distrust (1.38) Deathbed (1.39) Pain (1.39) Behav Res (2018) 50:1116–1124 1119...
Or another friend who lived through the trauma of getting his hysterical child shots. We all understand that heartbreak of betraying the innocent trust of a being you love with all your heart — of having to be the bad guy and know better than they do about what is good for them. To ...
From the simply curious to the downright bizarre, a collection of amusing law-related artifacts. Spot the Tort Have fun and make the world a safer place. Send in pictures of dangerous conditions you stumble upon (figuratively only, we hope) out there in Tortland. ...