Fun things to do with the sports of rugby union and league, including funny photos, jokes, trivia and quotes
Random Funny Sports Joke What do runners do when they forget something?- They jog their memory! more jokes Random Funny Sports Quote I owe a lot to my parents, especially my mother and father.-Greg Norman, Pro Golfer more quotes Random Funny Sports Photo ...
Bit of Fun - proudly sharing humor, beauty, and art for over 19 years. This site contains humorous, jokes, art, funny photos, entertaining articles, a fun forum, strange news, and other fun stuff for you to enjoy.
Added 5 funny news, 3 new funny pictures, 10 American Dad quotes and 7 blonde jokes to the web site today.Today we have added three funny pictures.Goosed by a BullMy Dear CaptainBeauty Queen: Oops!We have also added a funny piece on the Female Stereotypes in Humor that is a must read...
Ann Leary’s book of essays I’ve Tried Being Nice was funny and struck a cord in me. The highlights of her life so far – she’s only 60 – might resonate with you too as she meanders through children, dogs, houses, tennis, travel, and her husband, the famous actor Denis Leary....
5. The sport of choice for male middle management is TENNIS 6. The sport of choice for male corporate officers is GOLF. Conclusion: The higher you are in the corporate structure, the smaller your balls become... A burglar breaks into this house and he comes into a room with no lights ...
Teabaggers: Your daughter's death is funny Quotes "Palin and Beck don’t care about anyone except themselves. They are getting filthy rich pandering to angry white mobs so transparent in their racist feelings toward the President that a sheet of ...
AFL, American football, badminton, baseball, basketball, bowling, boxing, bullfighting, cricket, cycling, golf, gymnastics, handball, horse sports, hunting, ice hockey, lawn bowls, motorsports, rugby, skiing, soccer, swimming, table tennis, tennis, track & field, volleyball, weightlifting, water ...
Fun things to do with the sport of soccer or football, including funny photos, jokes, trivia, videos and quotes