2022年3月16日 大通全球运营中心和公司总部 375 University Avenue Westwood, MA 02090 Tel.781.332.0700 传真 781.332.0701 主菜单 SDS ACCESS 关于大通公司 粘合剂、密封剂和添加剂 腐蚀保护和防水 工业用胶带 联系我们 销售条款和条件 发展的条款和条件 ...
for your application please refer to the Technical Datasheet for your specific coating. The appropriate Thinner is identified on the datasheet. Once the correct Thinner has been identified return to this page to obtain the Technical Datasheet (TDS) and Safety Datasheet (SDS) for the Thinner. ...
375 University Avenue Westwood, MA 02090 Tel.781.332.0700 传真 781.332.0701