in a state such as Texas, the selected-features model’s average improvement of 8.5% in a given summer month such as August 2016 is equivalent to 1,498,968 MWh of energy consumption, which could sustain the residents of Austin-TX for more than 4 months40,41,42,43. In the same year...
Ageing of pyrotechnic substance, primarily fuel oxidisation, can cause changes in composition that degrade their performance. This study investigates the effect of ageing on zirconium potassium perchlorate (ZPP), a widely used NASA Standard Initiator. Al
Temperature, Humidity Can Take a Toll on Market Hogs in Transit.The article presents on the findings of the study conducted by Texas Tech University researchers, which investigated the effect of temperature to dead on arrival (DOA) and non-ambulatory, non-injured (NANI) pigs during transit in ...
First published in ABJ January 2022Randy Oliver ScientificBeekeeping.comLast month I pointed out that there is something about even a light natural pollen flow that seems to increase a colony’s response to fed pollen sub. But a light pollen flow is often also accompanied by a light nectar ...
High VPD anomalies can be caused by warm temperature anomalies, below normal humidity, or a combination of both. In the case that temperature is anomalously high and humidity is anomalously low, the VPD is particularly high. Figure 3 shows the development of the 2011 Texas. The drought onset,...
Scorching heat compounded by suffocating humidity is expected to persist through the end of the month in many parts of the US, where millions will likely endure temperatures in the triple digits.