460. The chlamydospores of Thielaviopsis basicola are brown and are shaped like barrels stacked on each other. They are easily visible on and in cortical cells of rotted roots. Sign in to download full-size image 461. The dark brown aleuriospores of Humicola sp. dot this root. Sign ...
Spores of fungal strain Humicola lutea 120-5 were immobilized with photo-crosslinkable prepolymer. The entrapped spores were allowed to germinate and develop in situ. The immobilized growing mycelium thus obtained was reused in batch mode for extracellular acid proteinase production. The influence of ...
Cellulase assay. The wild-type and T4 strains were fermented in 40 mL of MNN medium inoculated with 1.0 × 106 12-day-old spores at 42 °C with shaking at 200 rpm. Cellulase activities in supernatants were assayed at various intervals. FPase, CMCase, and xylanase ...
immobilization, production, gels, proteinases, polyacrylamide, HumicolaFungal spores of Humicola lutea 120–5 were entrapped in 5% polyacrylamide gel and were cultivated for 44–48 h to form a mycelial network inside the beads. A dense mycelial growth also occurred on the surface of the beads. ...
生物防治被認為是未來可以減少或替代化學藥劑的主要病害防治策略.本研究發展出篩選具誘導抗病能力之微生物的方法,並由土壤中篩選出可利用植物源且誘導青椒產生抗青椒疫病菌的有益微生物,經由型態及分生的鑑定,由於其所產生的conidia 型態和Phialophora 屬的真菌相似,chlamydospores 和Humicola 屬的真菌相似,將其命名...
Spores subjected to 40 渭g/ml Cu++ showed higher resistance to killing by subsequent incubation in 70 or 150 渭g/ml Cu++ compared to the single treatment. Pre-exposure strategy also caused a higher amount of biomass accumulation and recovery of the fungal growth curves to the control curves ...
Spores of Humicola lutea 120–5 were entrapped in calcium-alginate beads and were cultivated to form an immobilized mycelium used further for acid proteinases production in batch mode. The enzyme yield increased with the repeated cultivations reaching a maximum after eight cycles. The half-life ...
Both “chlamydospores” and “aleurioconidia” have been used for thick-walled, lateral or terminal conidia that secede by dissolution of part of the wall of a basal cell, a process now called “rhexolytic secession”. Participants of the influential “first Kananaskis conference” (Kendrick ...
Humicola lutea 120-5 spores were immobilized in a mixed photo-crosslinked polyvinyl alcohol and calcium-alginate gel. Maximum enzyme synthesis was established with 1:8 (v:v) gel beads: growth medium inoculum and 48 h duration of one cycle. The free cells were very unstable in replacement ...
The assay employs a monoclonal antibody EC6, developed in a previous study, which does not recognize spores of the fungus. Using antigencoated wells, a direct linear relationship was established between dilutions of extracts from freezedried mycelium (0.5 to 3 g/ml) and absorbance values but ...