Often, these fracture types are associated with poor bone quality with respect to the humeral head and are coupled with an inability to apply adequate buttress plating to the medial cortex. The effectiveness of locking implants in proximal humerus fractures is variable, despite a general efficiency ...
Some fracture types, however, are more concerning for abuse than others. Almost 60% of spiral/oblique fractures that occurred in the group less than 15 months of age were from abuse.85 Worlock et al11 compared the fracture patterns of 35 children who had been abused to 826 children with ...
A stress fracture is a hairline fracture that often occurs in bones of the feet or legs due to repetitive impact such as from running. A greenstick fracture is where the bone bends on one side and breaks or cracks on the other, similar to a fresh tree branch. There are other types of ...
The Wing: Fracture Types and Tendencies Charles S. Farrow D.V.M., in Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging: Birds, Exotic Pets and Wildlife, 2009 HUMERAL BODY The humerus is the largest, strongest bone in the wing, but it is not the longest. The distinction of longest bone goes to the radius an...
The pediatric supracondylar humerus fracture is the most common type of pediatric elbow fractures. A thorough examination is required to appropriately care for these injuries, with care to appropriately assess neurovascular compromise. Treatment methods range from nonoperative and operative means depending ...
While high-energy mechanisms are more likely to result in associated soft tissue and/or neurovascular injuries, increasing age has been associated with more complex fracture types. The latter can include increasing degrees of comminution, displacement, and fracture/dislocation patterns. The overall incide...
These outcomes indicate substantial improvements in the range of motion, functional scores, and pain levels in patients following surgical treatment for proximal humerus fractures. In Figure 3, it can be observed that the range of motion deficits in a patient who presented with a fracture are satis...
Our data support with evidence how the close reduction internal fixation with K-wires treatment can give to the surgeons and the patients a better security about the correct fracture healing. Furthermore, with this article, we will provide a detailed review of the literature in order to define ...
What is a comminuted fracture of the humerus? What are the bones in the arm? What bones make up the hip bone? What is a sesamoid bone? What type of bone are the metacarpals? What part of the scapula articulates with the humerus?
Five cases of fracture of the humerus, including two types were treated over a period of twelve months. Three of these were simple spiral fractures of the lower third of the shaft. The other two were fractures of the medial epicondyle of the humerus. Two of the spiral fractures were compli...