Humorous Anatomy 11個詞語 Alexis_Lowrance8 預覽 anatomy 337 - module 16 134個詞語 ellai1 預覽 Chapter 3 20個詞語 kreynoso0621 預覽 Reproductive system: chapter 38 Med Surg 2 老師72個詞語 Marcy_C29 預覽 Muscles of the Chest, Shoulder, Brachium 23個詞語 jeedylan 預覽 Overview of the Respirato...
Ch. 8 Anatomy and Disorders of the Reproductive System 60個詞語 Grace_Miller827 預覽 Chapter 5 : The Skeletal System 35個詞語 junecase 預覽 Axial Skeleton 39個詞語 peightonrobison 預覽 lab 2 93個詞語 kurtz_ava 預覽 3.02 Structures of the Circulatory System 老師24個詞語 Janet_Akers 預覽 Anterio...
1.(Anatomy) the bone that extends from the shoulder to the elbow 2.(Zoology) the corresponding bone in other vertebrates [C17: from Latinumerus;related to Gothicamsshoulder, Greekōmos] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 199...
humerusnoun (3) Word History and OriginsExample SentencesWord of the DayQuiz Advertisement AmericanBritishScientific humerus [ hyoo-mer-uhsor, often, yoo- ] Phonetic (Standard) IPA noun , Anatomy. , plural hu·mer·i [hyoo, -m, uh, -rahy, yoo, -]. the long bone in the arm of ...
ANIMSCI 3160 Quizzes 131個詞語 laurenzim43420 預覽 CVS 204 Exam 1 56個詞語 Ninerwinkyface1 預覽 Ch.5 The Endocrine System 22個詞語 rosenowhannah 預覽 Chapter 13 Objectives 20個詞語 Gema_Vasquez2 預覽 Ch 9 Head Neck Anatomy Practice Quiz 46個詞語 Brendaislas19 預覽 anatomy vocab 2 19個詞...
Humerus/Shoulder Girdle Anatomy 儲存 單詞卡 學習 測試 配對 The humerus is the _ and _ bone in the upper limb. 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 largest, longest 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 1 / 56 建立者 oaklie_j404 3個月前建立 學生們也學習了 單詞卡學習集 學習指南 Anatomy Exam 45個詞語 Sarah_James855 ...
Chapter 1: Quiz 15個詞語 Ch.12 Note Cards - Jakyia Dillard 58個詞語 zoolab : lab 2 , Heart anatomy labeling part 1 53個詞語 Human Anatomy: Tissues and Integumentary System Overview 31個詞語 ch. 21 81個詞語 Male reproductive system ...
anatomy 25個詞語 twalton18 預覽 KIN 3027 Lab Quiz #1 69個詞語 gyald002 預覽 Tongue 6個詞語 nfiarito3 預覽 Psyc; parts of the eye 11個詞語 sydneyy400 預覽 BioMed 2: Defense (Richards) 75個詞語 Kalee_Stevenson7 預覽 Ch. 18 10個詞語 melaniekatelynn 預覽 8.2: Endocrine Disorders and Disea...
Anatomy: Clavicle, Scapula, Humerus, Radius, and Ulna 46個詞語 Lavendergirl8201 預覽 unit 5 self assessments 10個詞語 Tina_Crooms 預覽 Chiropractic Principles 55個詞語 kelly_bulloch 預覽 Chapter 14 Quiz Review 39個詞語 karenl89 預覽 Gross Anatomy Exam 1 (Parker University) 276個詞語 Aaron_Ramos...
Week 1 anatomy 27個詞語 Lynssse 預覽 School Vocabulary 老師21個詞語 Macy_Visser 預覽 Humorous Anterior 12個詞語 Abbykeenan123 預覽 digestive system 49個詞語 calawayea 預覽 heart (vessels 25個詞語 Laikyn_Tilley7 預覽 這個學習集的練習題 學習 1 / 7 用學習模式學習 選擇正確的詞語 1 Humerus- less...