Kids Definition humbug noun hum·bug ˈhəm-ˌbəg 1 :a false or deceiving person or thing:fraud 2 :nonsensesense 1,drivel humbugverb humbuggery -ˌbəg-(ə-)rē noun More from Merriam-Webster onhumbug Nglish:Translation ofhumbugfor Spanish Speakers ...
Define humbugging. humbugging synonyms, humbugging pronunciation, humbugging translation, English dictionary definition of humbugging. n. 1. Something intended to deceive; a hoax or fraud. 2. A person who claims to be other than what he or she is; an imp
Definition of humbugging present participle of humbug Get Custom Synonyms Enter your own sentence containing humbugging , and get words to replace in foolingto cause to believe what is untrue humbugged into believing that the bones were the skeleton of a prehistoric human being ...