Counsellors at Camp New challenge each other in a duel of athleticism, pranksters steal pottery, and campers plan the fall extravaganza.
Taggedapple pie,hostess,hostess apple pie,hostess bakery Nov 11 2012 4 Comments Community,Music A little patriotic music for Veterans Day Detail of a flag on a veteran’s grave in Suffolk, Va. Photo by John Doucette. NORFOLK, Va. —Here’s a patriotic tune from sax player Talton Manning...
lunch, or dinner — whatever worked for them. This way, they’d have a place to go. Then, GOD provided for me to buy the ingredients to make the food for those who would come. I was a bit concerned because my table had four chairs, I had a...
If you want to check how un-inclusive CrossFit is,search google imagesfor “CrossFit Games 2019” and count how many screens you have to scroll down through before you see your first black face. You’ll be shocked. Now compare that to just searching Google images for “Athletics”, the ...