而今天,我们十分兴奋地在Epic游戏商城上推出了全新的 Humble 应用,这是 Humble 在为了让更多的玩家可以随时随地畅享优良游戏的旅程上走出的又一步。 在Humble 应用中,你能找到新推出的Humble Games Collection——这是一个将会不断扩充的游戏合集,充满社群挚爱作品、名作游戏,以及由 Humble 的游戏发行部门 Humble Gam...
一窺Humble Games Collection Humble Games 遊戲團隊總是睜大雙眼,留意來自世界各地最具創意的優秀獨立遊戲開發商,尋找高品質的新奇遊戲。而你可以在 Humble Games Collection 恣意探索獨立製作遊戲世界最匠心獨具的成果。 在限定時間內,Epic Games Store 使用者可以用首月 9 美元的優惠價...
在Humble 应用中,你能找到新推出的Humble Games Collection——这是一个将会不断扩充的游戏合集,充满社群挚爱作品、名作游戏,以及由 Humble 的游戏发行部门 Humble Games 发行的更多独立制作佳作。而访问 Humble Games Collection 则是Humble Choice,Humble 的每月游戏会员的专属特权之一。 为了庆祝该游戏精选的推出,将...
Humble官方公布了Humble Games Collection服务的新调整,官方表示在过去的一年里,团队在Humble games collection中添加了十几款优秀的游戏,现在哟咻库中已经有了很棒的选择,此后Humble Games Collection服务将不再每月添加游戏,新添加的游戏将根据游戏的情况考虑。此外,与其他所有订阅服务一样,玩家可能会开始看到哪些游戏可...
Five cozy games for that “First Day of Fall” feeling September 6 2022 Hey, now it’s time—Temtem 1.0 is out today! August 31 2022 Tips & tricks to make the most of your Archipelago adventure August 26 2022 Explore Tamer’s Paradise, Temtem’s whole new endgame island ...
And more! Get a curated mix of PC games every month Save up to 20% in our store, including hot new releases 5% of your Humble Choice membership supports charity Only $11.99 per month. Skip a month or cancel anytime!成为会员 获取每月 PC 游戏——永久属于您 作为会员奖励,探索 Vault 中...
For anyone with a subscription to or access to Japanese Nintendo Switch Online,7 Days to End with Youhas been available this week to play in a timed promotion. The window to play ends in about 40 hours, as of this posting. It was enjoyable and is worth taking advantage of if access ...
加入Epic Games Store 庆祝活动Humble Games Collection 在HB官网也可以直接下载:https://www.humblebundle.com/membership/collection[k3]地址:[/k3]https://w ... Humble Games Collection 登录 Epic 商城,新用户可享受 Humble Choice 首月 -25%优惠 ,其乐 Keylol
You can also getFortifiedfor free by collecting 4 stamps which you get for visiting the Humble Store page every day or purchasing games: https://www.humblebundle.com/mission/spring-sale-encore-rewards Guns of Icarus: Allianceis free as well, but people have been having problems with the game...
The Humble Collection perk—a library of games previously made accessible for Humble Choice subscribers—will shut down on November 7.