Embark on new adventures within D&D 5th Edition with our latest bundle of new campaigns, monsters, and more! Pay what you want & support charity!
The what: usually when you go to purchase a Humble Bundle, there's sliders allowing you full choice on where you money goes. You could choose all to developers, all to Humble, all to Charity - or whatever. However, recently they vanished for a lot of customers. Humble has nowactually ...
There was a card theft in our city like this and it turned out that the thieves had the card info for 2 years.They waited for the right moment so they couldn't be suspected. I suggest you to check your payments in last 1 or 2 years and contact the Humble Bundle. Oh and by the ...
Get ready to provide your new home with proper protection, do favors for fellow traders (generous rewards included), search for missing people that got themselves in serious trouble, fight hideous sea monsters and punish thieves among your crew. Sounds like some great adventures are waiting for ...
Humble Choice, the monthly curated bundle from Humble Bundle is up with a fresh set of games to pick from and claim to be yours.
A fresh month has arrived and so it brings with it a new Humble Choice, the curated monthly bundle along with a few other game bundles to go over. Here's a roundup of how they all work on Linux.