Occurrence in humans and guinea pigs of the gene related to their missing enzyme L-gulonogamma-lactone oxidase. Arch Biochem Biophys 1988;267:8426.Nishikimi M, Koshizaka T, Ozawa T, Yagi K. Occurrence in humans and guinea pigs of the gene related to their missing enzyme L-gulono- ...
in our case an easy-to-open box with food inside. After some trials, the problem becomes unsolvable because the box is securely closed," adds Pérez. "When the box was first in the room without food in it,pigsand dogs performed similar human-oriented behaviors,...
Pigs appear to use multiple cues to distinguish people, although visual cues are clearly important. Cows can readily learn to distinguish between people wearing different colour clothes, but it is more difficult for them to distinguish between people wearing the same colour. Furthermore, cows' ...
2019). A third severe outbreak of coronaviruses occurred in pigs in 2017, where swine acute diarrhoea syndrome (SADS) induced significant economic losses to the swine industry worldwide (Fan et al. 2019; Zhou et al. 2018). Coronaviruses The first characterized member of the coronavirus was ...
featuring usually in relation to zoonotic infections carried in milk and meat , such as bovine tuberculosis and brucellosis .Footnote85A second key animal role that emerges is that of the experimental model for human disease , and it is usually assigned to rodents or pigs, reflecting the intersect...
The researchers confirmed that the virus could bind to the receptor in pigs and also was able to bind to the receptor in human cells and to cells from cats and chickens. For now, the only known infection in humans and other species is in the laboratory, using cultured cells. ...
The comparative toxicity of chlorinated dibenzo‐p dioxin in mice and guinea pigs. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 44: 335– 356. Google Scholar Crossref PubMed WorldCat 3 Vickers, A. E. M., Sloop, T. C. and Lucier G. W., 1985. Mechanism of action of toxic halogenated aromatics...
To date, a wealth of information from studies with neonatal pigs has been applied to humans. SUMMARY: Further development of neonatal animal models related to nutrition is required for the advancement of research in early postnatal nutrition. Improvement of nutritional support during this critical ...
Effects of dietary protein and fermentable fiber on nitrogen excretion patterns and plasma urea in grower pigs Effects of dietary protein concentration (high, 18.5; low, 15.7%) and fermentable fiber (control; soyhulls, SH; and sugar beet pulp, SBP) on N excretion pa... S, Zervas,RT Zijlst...
Director and executive producer Valeri Milev's Bullets Of Justice certainly does what it sets out to do, per his own description of it “an absurdist nightmare designed to terrify and excite you.” To that end, it also leaves you in a state of perplexed